CReM-dock: generation of chemically reasonable molecules guided by molecular docking
The open-source software based on CReM and EasyDock to generate chemically reasonable molecules.
- fully automated workflow
- different selection strategies (greedy, Pareto, k-means clustering)
- different objective functions (docking score, docking score augmented with QED or the fraction of sp3-carbon atoms, docking score divided on the number of heavy atoms, etc)
- user-defined thresholds for maximum allowed physicochemical parameters (MW, logP, RTB, TPSA)
- using protein-ligand interaction fingerprints (ProLIF) and/or RMSD to a parent molecule to control the pose of a constructed ligand
- indirect control over synthetic feasibility of generated structures (based on CReM parameters)
- support docking programs integrated in EasyDock, including ligand preparation steps and distributed calculations
- output is SQLite database from which a user can retrieve all necessary information
- continue interrupted/unfinished generation by rerun of the same command
- Hit generation
Generation of molecules which starts from a set of fragment supplied as SMILES or 2D SDF. In these case the supplied fragments are docked, pass PLIF/RMSD check (optional) and best candidates are used for growing on the next iteration.
- Hit expansion
Expansion of a co-crystallized ligand by supplying 3D ligand structure (SDF). In this case an input molecule is directly going to the growing stage.
Links to CReM fragment databases are here
General workflow

Minibaeva, G.; Polishchuk, P. CReM-dock: de novo design of synthetically feasible compounds guided by molecular docking. ChemRxiv 2024. -